Compulsory Purchase & Compensation
Compulsory purchase is frequently used by Public Authorities in Ireland to acquire land, buildings and other property as part of the process of developing and improving our national infrastructure. Infrastructure schemes include the construction of Roads, Water & Sewerage pipelines, Electricity Power Lines, Rail and Gas lines. The statutory process and rules governing Compulsory Purchase in Ireland have evolved over centuries with the power to acquire land compulsorily dating back to the creation of Modern Local Authorities in the late 1800’s. Despite the development of the law and the generally accepted principles of CPO which have been determined by much case law, the process and procedures remains complex.
Should circumstances arise where your property is impacted by an Infrastructure scheme and a Public Body plan to acquire part of your property or acquire a wayleave, either using a Compulsory Purchase Order or by agreement, you will have only one opportunity to effectively manage this intrusion. It is critical that you are represented by a qualified and experienced expert with knowledge and understanding of this specific topic. With expert guidance and a skilled negotiator on your side you will ensure you are fairly and properly compensated and, in many situations reduce or curtail the impact of the schemes works on your property, home or business enterprise..
Our experience of Compulsory Purchase is broad and includes CPO schemes for the acquisition of property and wayleaves for the development of projects including:
• National and Regional Road schemes
• Water and Waste Water pipelines
• Sites for Water & Sewage Treatment Plants
• School and Educational Campus sites
• Rail Lines
• Flood Relief Programmes
These CPO schemes covered thousands of cases and all property types, including:
• All farm enterprises, with expertise in Dairy and Stud Farms
• Private Houses and Gardens
• All forms of business property, buildings and enterprises
• Development Land.
Working on your behalf we will bring our full range of skills to negotiations including:
• Our deep knowledge and understanding of the relevant law, processes and procedures
• Our qualification and hands-on experience to manage your case from receipt of first notification to completion of all works.
• Our know-how and commitment to deliver your full entitlement and compensation.
• Total independence with our sole focus on representing you, our client
• Professionalism and absolute confidentially on all matters
As land and business owners ourselves, we understand and appreciate the issues, concerns and disturbance you will encounter during the CPO process. We have personal experience of being impacted by CPO ourselves with the M1 Motorway and various ESB lines and wayleaves impacting the family farm. This personal knowledge has proven invaluable when formulating practical solutions and negotiating compensation settlements.
See News & FAQ page for more information and answers to preliminary questions you may have.

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Contact Us
Tankardsrock, Kilkerley
Dundalk, Co.Louth
T: (086) 243 7528