Expert Witness

Expert evidence is sought most obviously in disputes requiring detailed technical knowledge. The evidence is always independent, objective and unbiased. To be truly of assistance to a court, expert evidence must demonstrate that the opinion is well founded and factual, while being accurately interpreted and presented.

Kevin McEnteggart has over 25 years’ experience advising business and property owners on Financial, Management, Accounting and property matters.

Kevin is recognised as a competent and accomplished expert witness with the distinct advantage of being a qualified Accountant and a qualified Chartered Valuation Surveyor. Kevin has established a reputation as formidable expert, inspiring confidence in his evidence and opinion and has been a key member of legal teams assembled by Solicitors and Barristers for Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation cases.

Technical Expert Evidence on:
• Accounting & Finance
• Property & Land Valuation
• Business & Farm Management and operation

Nature of cases covered:
• Marital separation
• Business & Partnership Disputes / dissolution
• Family Disputes
• Insurance Claims involving Personal Injury, Accidents and Loss of Earnings

Specialist Skills:
• Analysis and interpretation of Sole Trader and Company Financial Accounts and taxation.
• Farm and Agri-Business Sectors
• Valuation of Agricultural & Development Land and Residential property.
• Report Writing and Presentation of Oral Evidence
• Analytical reasoning and communication of findings and opinions clearly and concisely.
• Flexibility of mind to think on one’s feet during cross examination and where appropriate, articulate a modified opinion in light of fresh evidence or for scenarios put forward as counter arguements.

See Testimonials page for what our clients say.

Property Consultancy
Management & Financial Consultancy
Chartered Surveyors

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